Name: Faleh ibn Mohammed ibn Faleh Al-Sughayer.
Date and place of birth: 1376 AH/1956 AD.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Zulfi
Marital status: Married
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Academic Qualifications:
Doctorate in Prophetic Sunnah and its Sciences 1405 AH/1985 AD.
- Professor at the Department of the Sunnah and its Sciences - Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion, at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University. Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion (1406 AH/1986 AD - 1409 AH/1989 AD).
- Dean of the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion (1409 AH/1989 AD - 1415 AH/1995 AD).
Conferences, symposia and scientific activities:
- Participated in many conferences and seminars inside and outside the Kingdom.
Research and Publications:
- A number of research studies and books.
Curriculum Vitae
- Details
- Hits: 58538