Episode 10: Fasting in the Month of Sha‘baan (2-2)
Hits: 12448
Episode 9: Fasting in the Month of Sha‘baan (1-2)
Hits: 22663
Episode 8: Takbeer (i.e. saying Allahu Akbar (Allaah is the Most Great))
Hits: 8329
Episode 7: Invocation for when it rains and when rain increases and one fears it
Hits: 357702
Episode 6: Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab
Hits: 9933
Episode 5: Month of Rajab and Sacred Months
Hits: 15673
Episode 4: No ‘Adwa, nor Haamah, nor Safar
Hits: 79368
Episode 3: Great Details of the Salvation of Moosa (Moses); who spoke with Allaah, and Destruction of Fir‘awn (Pharaoh); the Wicked
Hits: 5172
Episode 2: Observing Fast in the Month of Muharram
Hits: 9132
Episode 1: Ruling on Offering Congratulations at the Beginning of the Hijri Year
Hits: 3278