Episode 18: Hadeeth (Seek your desires from the tender-hearted persons…)
Hits: 3395
(17) It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Seek your desires from the tender-hearted persons of my Ummah, you will receive sustenance and fulfillment of desires for Allah, The Almighty, says: "My Mercy is with the tender-hearted individuals among my slaves. Do not seek your desires from the hard-hearted persons for you will never receive sustenance and fulfillment of desires for Allah, The Almighty, says: 'My wrath is with them."
The Verification of the Hadeeth: Its Isnaad (i.e. chain of transmission) is very weak.
It was reported by Al-‘Uqayli in Adh-Dhu‘afaa' Al-Kabeer (1104) from the route of ‘Abdur-Rahmaan As-Suday from Daawood ibn Abi Hend from Abi Nadharah from Abi Sa‘eed Al-Khudri, may Allaah be pleased with him, as a Marfoo‘ Hadeeth. From the route of As-Suday, it was reported by At-Tabaraani in Al-Awsad (4717), Al-Kharaa'idy in his book Makaarim Al-Akhlaaq (532), Ibn Hibaan in Al-Majrooheen (2/286), Abu Na‘eem in Akhbaar Asbahaan (2009) Tabaqaat Al-Muhaditheen fi Asbahaan (791), and Ibn Al-Jawzi in Al-Mawdhoo‘aat (2/158). Its Isnaad is very weak because of As-Suday who is As-Sagheer and his name is Muhammad ibn Marawaan. Imam Al-Bukhaari, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "They kept silent about him for he has never written down his Hadeeth."
Abu Haatim said: "His Hadeeth is not accepted and Matrook and he has never written down his Hadeeth."
Ibn Hibaan said: "Iraqi people reported from him. He used to fabricate Hadeeths and attribute them to trustworthy narrators. It is not permissible to write down the Hadeeths he reports except for taking them into account. Also, It is not permissible to use them as proof in any way."
Imam Ath-Thahabi, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "Scholars of Hadeeth left him and some of them accused him with lying."
Al-Haafith said in At-Taqreeb: "He is accused with lying. " (1)
Al-Haythami said in Al-Majma‘ (8/125): "It was reported by At-Tabaraani in Al-Awsat. It has Muhammad ibn Marwaan As-Suday As-Sagheer and it is Matrook. It was also reported by At-Tabaraani in Musnad Shihaab (700), Tamaam Ar-Raazi fi Al-Fawaa'id (1090) from the route of ‘Abdel Ghafaar ibn Al-Hasan ibn Dinaar from Daawood ibn Abi Hind and said: "It was only narrated by ‘Abdel Ghafaar ibn Al-Hasan ibn Dinaar and it is Ghareeb ."
It was also reported by Ibn Sam‘oon in Al-Amaali (26) from the route of Muhammad ibn Sinaan from Haani‘ ibn Al-Mutawakil from ‘Abdel Maalik ibn Al-Khattaab from Daawood ibn Abi Hind who is weak as well. Muhammad ibn Sinaan is weak as stated in At-Taqreeb (5936). As for Haani‘ ibn Al-Mutawakil, Ibn Hibaan said in Al-Majrooheen (3/97): "It is not permissible to use his Hadeeth as a proof in any way." It has witness from the Hadeeth of ‘Ali, may Allaah be pleased with him, that was reported by Al-Haakim in Al-Mustadrak (8023) from the route of Hibbaan ibn ‘Ali from Sa‘d ibn Tareef from Al-Asbagh ibn Nabaatah and deemed it Saheeh (authentic) Hadeeth. Ath-Thahabi said, Al-Asbagh is weak and Hibbaan deemed him weak."
Refer to the verification of Al-Ihyaa' (3276) Mizaan Al-I‘tidaal (2/602) Lisaan Al-Mizaan (2/104) Majama‘ Az-Zawaa'id (8/195), Al-Laal' Al-Masnoo‘ah (2/63), Tanzeeh Ash-Sharee‘ah (2/130), Tathkirat Al-Mawdoo‘aat (1/61) Al-Fawaa'id Al-Majmoo‘ah (28), Kashf Al-Khafaa' (1/140), As-Silsilah Adh-Dha‘eefah (1577), Dha‘eef Al-Jaami‘ (900).
(1) Refer to At-Taareekh Al-Kabeer (1/232), Adh-Dhu‘faa' As-Sagheer (340), Al-Jarh wa Ta‘deel (8/86), Al-Majrooheen (2/286), Al-Mizaan (4/32), Tahtheeb Al-Kamaal (26/392), At-Tahtheeb (9/387) and At-Taqreeb (6284).