Episode 24: What is the Form of Veneration Meant Here?
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Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means): {Indeed, We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. That you [people] may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honor him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and afternoon.} [Quran 48: 8-9]
Allah, The Almighty, has stated a common right between Him and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, which is believing in them, a special right for Him, The Exalted, which is Tasbeeh (i.e. reciting “Subhaan Allaah which is declaring Him to be above any fault, shortcoming, corrupt notions or false idea) and a special right for His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, which is T‘zeer and Tawqeer (i.e. veneration and reverence).
To summarize all what was stated regarding their meaning: T‘zeer is a comprehensive term that refers to supporting and backing him and protecting him from all what may harm him. As for Tawqeer, it is a comprehensive term that refers to all what includes tranquility and assurance of esteem and respect, and that he should receive the honor, respect and veneration that can protect him from all what may undermine the limit of dignity and solemnity."
Veneration has a higher status than love. That is because it is not necessary that the beloved is venerated such as the child i.e. his father loves him in a way that he honors him but not venerates him, unlike the love of the child to his father for it calls him to venerate him."
How can We Achieve Loving and Venerating the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him?
The command of loving and venerating the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, means that it is an act of worshiping Allah, The Almighty, and something that draws one nearer to Him. As for the worship that Allah, The Almighty, seeks and is pleased with from the worshiper, it is the act that is done sincerely and for the sake of Him, The Almighty, and is inconformity with the way He legislated in His Noble Book and via His great Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
Sincerity and performing the acts of worship wholly for the Sake of Allah, The Almighty, are one of the main requirements of the testimony of La Illaah Ila Allah. That is because it means that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, The Almighty.
As for following the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, it is one of the main requirements of the testimony that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah. That is because bearing witness that he is a truthful Messenger of Allah means "obeying him in all what he commands, believing all what he conveys to us, avoiding all what he prohibits and that Allah, The Almighty, is not to be worshiped except with what he, peace and blessings be upon him, legislated."
This is the form of complete love, perfect veneration, and sublime respect. That is because how can one love and venerate the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, while he has doubt in his reports, refuses to obey him, goes against his commands, introduces new things to his religion and worships Allah, The Almighty, in a way other than his way?
Therefore, Allah, The Almighty, has severely denounced those who adopted in worship a way other than what He did not legislated saying: {Or have they other deities who have ordained for them a religion to which Allah has not consented? Or have they other deities who have ordained for them a religion to which Allah has not consented? But if not for the decisive word, it would have been concluded between them. And indeed, the wrongdoers will have a painful punishment.} [Quran 42: 21]
It was also narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Whoever introduces something in our matter (religion) that does not originally belong to it, it will be rejected."
If love and veneration is an act of worship, then worship is actually fulfilled by the heart, tongue and organs.
Venerating the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, by the heart can be attained by giving precedence to loving him over loving one's self, parents, child and all mankind. That is because one's belief can never be perfect except with such love. Rather, no respect or veneration can be attained except with love.
Such love is instilled by recognizing well the values and virtues of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
If such truthful love becomes settled in the heart, then it will have requirements which in real are the manifestations and proofs of veneration that appears on one's tongue and organs.
We will see the status of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, for the chosen individuals of this nation, may Allaah be pleased with them, through some examples that indicate glorification and prove love.