The Prophet peace be and blessings upon him then broke camp to return to Madina.
He was still on his way back to Madinah when God confirmed that the truce of al‐Hudaybiyah was not a setback but rather a signal of victory.
“Lo! We have given thee (O Muhammed) a signal victory, “That Allah may forgive thee of Your sin that which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect His favor unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path, “And that Allah may help thee with
strong help.”
[Qur'an 48:1‐3]
‘Umar asked the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him, “Is it a victory, O Prophet of God?”
The Prophet peace be and blessings upon him replied, “Yes”
Not long after the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him had arrived in Madina, Abu Basir ‘Utba b. Usaid broke away from the Quraysh and escaped to him. He was followed by two emissaries of
the Quraysh to bring him back. They reminded the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him of the treaty given by him and he promptly
handed over Abu Basir to them. However, on his way back to Makkah, Abu Basir managed to escape from his guards and fled to the seacoast. Later on, Abu Jandal and some seventy Muslims persecuted by the Makkans also succeeded to escape from Makkah on their own and joined Abu Basir at the seashore where they established themselves along the road taken by the Quraysh for their trade with Syria. The group of Abu Basir ‘Utbah now sought out the caravans of the Quraysh, robbed their property and threatened the trade route. Once again the trade of Makkah was endangered.
The things got so bad that the Quraysh wrote to the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him, begging him by the ties of their kinship to
him, to summon those highwaymen to Medinah and pledge to demand back no more of those who escape to
him in future. (Zad al‐Ma’ad, Vol. I, p. 384).