When he read the letter, Khusroe tore it up and illtreated the envoy of the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him.
Then he wrote to Badhan, who was his governor in Yemen, to get the
Prophet sent to him in Ctesiphon. Badhan deputed Babwayh to tell the Prophet (peace be and blessings upon him) what Chosroes II had written to him and that he had come to take him to the King. But when Babwayh came to Medinah, the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him told him, ʺGod has given Sherveh power over his father and he has killed Chosroes II.ʺ
The prophecy of the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him came true exactly in the way foretold by him. Chosroesʹ son Qubaz had by then deposed his father and seized the throne under the title of
Sherveh. Chosroes II was murdered in March 628 A.D. and with him ended the glory of four hundred years old house of Sasanids. Sherveh enjoyed only six months of the fruits of his crime, and in the space of four years the regal title was transferred to ten sovereigns, in quick succession,
until, the exhausted monarchy was assumed by Yazdagird III. He was the last Persian Emperor for he was soon to 357 flee for his life before the advancing might of the Muslims.
And thus was realized the Prophetʹs prophecy within eight years of his pronouncement.
The Prophet peace be and blessings upon him had also said: ʺNo more Chosroes after Chosroes dies.ʺ This portion of the prediction also came to pass with the fall of Yazdagird III.
In a few years the whole of Iran lay at the feet of the Muslims. The bulk of the population adopted Islam and there were born in Iran men with such lambent flame of intellect that proved true, word by word, what the
Prophet peace be and blessings upon him had once remarked: ʺIf knowledge were to be found in pleiads, some of the sons of Persia would attain it.ʺ

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