Episode 100: Covenant Between The Muslims And Jews 11/11
Hits: 2003
8. It also established Muhammed as commander of the
allied forces in case of war.
9. It gave everybody equality and freedom of action and joined them together in the ties of human brotherhood.
Thus it brought them all onto an equal level: the Ansaar and the Muhaajirun, the Jews and their allies and helpers were now politically and culturally equal.
10. It also made the matter of war and peace the exclusive concern of the central authority of Medinah. In other words, Muhammed was given the absolute right and power to declare war against, or make peace with, any tribe or power. The Jews and others had no right or power
to independently declare war against, or make peace with, any outside power.
11. Military service was made compulsory and every citizen was required to take part in it.
12. It also made it obligatory for all Muslims and Jews to help one another in war and peace as well as in adversity and plenty.
13. In all judicial matters, the decision of the Prophet peace be and blessings upon him was final.
14. The right of seeking revenge was transferred from
individuals to the central authority. The individual could no longer take the law into his own hands, and had to go to the central authority.
15. It clearly forbade all participants in this document to give any kind of help or protection to the Quraysh of Makkah. The Jews did not honor this clause of the document.