Goals of Calling to Allah:

Praise be to Allah and may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his family members, his companions and his lovers.

Thereafter, in this episode we will mention the objectives of calling to Allah.

Goals are the objectives and every preacher should ask himself: Why is he calling to Allah Almighty? And what does he want?

The answer to this question is the key of all works. In the light of this answer required effort, sufficient time, means, methods and programs are determined.

There are two types of goals:

First: The larger goal which is the main fruit of Da`wah.

Second: The minor goals associated with the specific time or particular places or certain individuals or certain acts, each one of these goals hands over to another, but some of them are more important than the others but all of them are included in the widest and the most inclusive goal. Sometimes confusion happens between the minor, medium and major objectives then the result of the work dwindles. If the difference between the minor and major goals is not established the preachers exhaust their efforts far from the larger goals.

Some preachers answer to the question; why do you invite? And says: I call to purifying the souls, because, Allah (Glory be to Him) said: “Indeed he succeeds who purifies his own self. And indeed he fails who corrupts his own self.” [Surat Ash-Shams: 9-10]. To reach this goal we assemble our followers and apply on them some ethical method based on moral commands and Wird (invocation) and Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah).

Thus the preacher directs his whole attention to this goal.

Another preacher says: our intention is to help the poor and needy and inspire the people to spend on them, because, Allah (Glory be to Him) has ordered saying: “What has caused you to enter Hell?" They will say: "We were not of those who used to offer the Salât (prayers) "Nor we used to feed the poor.” (Surat Al Mudaththir: 42-44]. To achieve this goal, the people of benevolence must be invited to give charity and doing good and paying alms. Therefore, establishing the charitable societies is the best way to achieve this goal.

The third preacher will say: the intention is to revise and edit the disputed religious and scientific issues and to collect the authentic Hadith. To achieve this goal, science workshops must be held and the schools and specialized institutions must be established and useful books must be printed and published.

The fourth preacher will say: the goal is to bring the Muslims to a high degree of political awareness that makes them aware of the schemes of the enemies and their means for the implementation of these schemes. To achieve this goal, deep and specialized studies must be carried out and articles about what is said and published about Islam must be prepared.

In addition to these goals, we find some preachers content with minor objectives, despite the importance of some of these goals, but the question remains persistent: Are there goals more comprehensive and more important than these goals?

Through a quick look at the levels of the goals, it appears to us that there are a variety of goals that comes under the major goal and that is to achieve the pleasure of Allah Almighty through His worship in this life, and through building the universe.

There many secondary goals those fall under the one highest goal and help to reach the highest goals.

Moreover, by the will of Allah (Glory be to Him) we will start in the following episode elucidating the worship of Allah that is the greatest goals.

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family members and his all companions.


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