Episode 11: The genetic effect of marriage between relatives (5/5)


It is clear, from the foregoing, that prohibition and permission would not completely prevent the emergence of genetic diseases, which are controlled by recessive disease-causing genes, provided the existence of these genes in the community, i.e. the process is the sacrifice of one generation in place of another generation. If we (prohibit)(1) consanguineous marriage, the future generations are the ones who will suffer from this disease. While if we (permit)(2) this type of marriages, it is the first generations who will suffer for the purity of future generations. As if Almighty Allah intended from this discrete permission working on natural equilibrium. Total permission eventually leads to the emergence of diseases, while moderate one helps natural balance”. (end of quote).

This paper they presented has a place of importance. That is because it is among the recent investigations, and that it has been presented in an international conference. In these conferences, papers are only accepted after passing through committees specialized in the review of papers and their evaluation. As it is also in agreement with the opinion of Dr. Ahmed Kabariti – who is a former Professor of Genetics at the University of Kuwait - Al Muslimoom newspaper(3) published an article entitled: "consanguineous marriage between science and religion" by Dr. Ahmed Al Saloos(4). He said in it: "I had been invited to participate in a symposium with the theme: (consanguineous marriage between science and religion), and the elucidation of the scientific aspect was delegated to Dr. Ahmed Kabariti – Professor of Genetics at the University of Kuwait at the time - and I had to speak on the religious aspect, and before I elucidate the result I arrived at, I mention beforehand the conclusion reached by Dr. Kabariti:

Dr. Kabariti dealt with the scientific aspect of the topic, where he overturned the rumour, which says that consanguineous marriage causes genetic diseases, and said: "This is a wrong assertion, and demonstrated that by modern theories which confirm that, and said:" As a result of scientific research in a society, in which consanguineous marriages is prevalent, and another where marriage between non-relatives is more common, and a third in which marriage between different races is widely spread, it has been proven that there is no difference between these societies in terms of the incidence of genetic diseases. This is the summary of what was mentioned by the Professor of Genetics. "

Then Dr. Al Saloos said: "When I carried out my studies of the subject, I arrived at a result not inconsistent with the previous result, despite the rumours spread previously and recently, that consanguineous marriage results in a weak progeny."

He mentioned that the Prophet, peace be upon him, gave in marriage and got married from his relatives, so how can he forbid something and does it himself, peace be upon him, while it is not of his particularities!.

Then he quoted from Ibn Hazm(5), that he said: "We have elected to chose marriage from relatives; because it is the practice of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him; he only married from the Banu Hashim and the Banu Abd Shams, and the Almighty said:" You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a good pattern of conduct" [Al Ahzab: 21].



(1) Thus expressed, and it would have been better expressed using two other words, since they are legal terms; only the law forbids or permits.

 (2) Thus expressed, and it would have been better expressed using two other words, since they are legal terms; only the law forbids or permits.

 (3) Al Muslimoon newspaper- Second Year- Issue (82) page (9) - Dated 25 Dhul Hijjah 1406 AH.

 (4) Professor at the University of Qatar.

 (5) He made it permissible over Al Muhalla (11/209). I did not find it in the edition I have, and searched for it among his suppositions, but did not find it.



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