1 - Hadith: The Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) loved to begin with the right side as long as he could, in wearing shoes, combing his hair, cleaning or washing himself and doing anything else. (*)

This Hadith was reported by Al Bukhari (1), Muslim (2), Abu Dawud (3), An-Nasa’i (4), At-Tayalisi (5), Is’haq ibn Rahwayh(6), Ahmad (7), Ibn Khuzaymah (8), Ibn Hibban (9) and Abush-Sheikh (10). All of them narrated it from the chains of Sho`abah, from Ash`ath ibn Sulayem, from his father, from Masruq, on the authority of `A’ishah, similar to the abovementioned Hadith.

This Hadith has many other chains from Ash`ath, including the following:

A – The chain of Abul-Ahwas, as was narrated by Muslim, At-Tirmidhi (11) and Ibn Majah (12). All of them narrated it from Al-Ash`ath like the first narration.

At-Tirmidhi said about this chain: “This is a good and authentic narration.”

B - The chain of `Umar ibn `Obayd At-Tunafusi, as was narrated by Ibn Majah, from Sufiyan ibn Waki`a, from Al Ash`ath similar to the first Hadith.

Sufiyan ibn Waki`a is an authentic narrator but he was cheated by his copyist that mixed his narrations with another’s narrations. Though he was advised about it but he did not accept the advice, thus his narration became unreliable. (13)

C – The chain of Waki`a, as was narrated by Ahmad (14) from Al Ash`ath similar to the first Hadith.

D – The chain of Isra’il, as was narrated by Abush-Sheikh (15) through his chain, from Al Ash`ath similar to the first Hadith.

But this chain has a different version as  Muhammad ibn Bishr has narrated it from Al-Ash`ath, from Al Aswad ibn Yazid, on the authority of `Aa’ishah similar to the first Hadith. As was reported by An-Nasa’I (16).

Muhammad ibn Bishr is Al Aslami, an authentic narrator. (17)

Ad-Daraqutni Said about him: “Muhammad was not followed up in this narration. However, the preserved narration is the narration of Sho`abah and others from Al Ash`ath, from his father, from Masruq on the authority of `Aa’ishah. (18)

2 - Hadith: “O Boy! Mention the name of Allah and eat with your right hand and eat from what is near you.” (*)

This Hadith was reported by Al Bukhari (19), Muslim (20), Ibn Majah (21), M`amar ibn Rashid (22), Al Humaydi (23), Ibn Abi Shaybah (24) Ahmad (25), An-Nasa’i (26), At-Tabarani (27). All of them narrated it from the chains of Wahab ibn Kis’an, on the authority of `Umar ibn Abi Salamah who said: I was a boy under the care of Allah’s Messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)and my hand used to go around the dish while I was eating. So Allah’s Messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to me, 'O boy!......”

This Hadith has other chains from `Umar ibn Abi Salamah, including:

A –The chain of Abu Wajzah, as was narrated by Abu Dawud, (28) Ahmad, (29) Ibn Hibban, (30) At-Tabarani, (31) Ibn As-Sunni, (32). All of them narrated it through different chains from Sulayman ibn Bilal, on the authority of `Umar ibn Abi Salamah, similar to the abovementioned Hadith.

Abu Wajzah is Yazid ibn `Obayd As-S`adi, who asserted his hearing from `Umar ibn Abi Salamah, as was mentioned by Ahmad.

Moreover, this narration was narrated by Ibrahim ibn Isma`il ibn Mujamm`a, from Abu Wajzah, from a person of Muzaynah, on the authority of `Umar ibn Abi Salamah, as was reported by Ahmad, (33) and At-Tabarani (34) through the chain of Ibrahim ibn Isma`il ibn Mujamm`a, who is a weak narrator. (35)

B – The chain of `Urwah ibn Az-Zubayr, as was narrated by At-Tirmidhi, (36) Ahmad, (37) and An-Nasa’i in his book entitled ‘`Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah’ (38) and At-Tabarani, (39) and Ibn As-Sunni (40). All of them narrated it through the chains of Hisham ibn `Urwa, on the authority of `Urwah ibn Az-Zubayr similar to the abovementioned narration.

Some narrators of Hisham ibn `Urwa narrated it but they disputed about him. (41)

At-Tirmidhi pointed to this subject and said: “This was narrated from Hisham ibn `Urwa, from Abu Wajzah As-S`adi, from a person of Muzaynah, on the authority of `Umar ibn Abi Salamah, but the narrators of Hisham ibn `Urwa disagreed on the narration of this Hadith.” End of quote.

C – The chain of `Abdur- Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn `Umar ibn Abu Salamah who narrated it from his father, from his grandfather, as was reported by Ibn Hibban, (42) through the chain of Y`aqub ibn Muhammad Az-Zuhari, similar to the abovementioned Hadith.

Muhammad ibn `Umar ibn Abi Salamah was graded by  Al Hafiz as an acceptable narrator who was followed up, (43) as well as his son `Abdur-Rahman was mentioned by Al Bukhari (44) and Ibn Abi Hatim, (45) but they did not mention any criticism or recommendation about him. Furthermore, he was mentioned by Ibn Hibban in his book of Ath-Thiqat or (the book of authentic narrators). (46)

Y`aqub ibn Muhammad Az-Zuhari is an authentic narrator but has many illusions and often narrates from weak narrators. (47)

D – The chain of Hasan Al Basri, as was narrated by At-Tabarani (48) from `Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal, from his father, from Nadhar ibn Isma`il Abul-Mughirah Al-Qass, from Ishma`il ibn Muslim, on the authority of Hasan Al Basri similar to the abovementioned Hadith.

Ishma`il ibn Muslim is Abu Is’haq Al-Makki a weak narrator, (49) also Nadhar ibn Isma’il is not a strong narrator. (50)



(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge (p,122).

(1) Sahih Al Bukhari -Book of Ablution – chapter on (beginning with right side in ablution and bath- (1/269 Hadith No. 168), and a chapter on (beginning with the right leg in entering the mosque and the like) (1/523, Hadith No. 426) and Book of Foods, chapter on (beginning with the right hand in eating and the like) (9/526 Hadith No. 5380) and Book of Dress – a chapter on (beginning with the right in wearing the shoes) (10/309 Hadith No. 5854) and a chapter on (wearing the shoes and beginning with the right) (10/368 Hadith No. 5926).

(2) Sahih Muslim - Book of Purity - chapter on (beginning with the right in purification and the like) (1/226 Hadith No. 268/67).

(3) Sunan Abu Dawud - Book of Dress, chapter on (wearing the shoes) (4/378 Hadith No. 4140).

(4) Sunan An-Nasa’i - Book of Purity - chapter on (which of both foot should be washed first?)(1/78 Hadith No. 112) and Book of Bath and Tayammum (dry ablution) -chapter on (beginning with the right in purification) (1/205 Hadith No. 421) and Book of Decoration - chapter on (beginning with the right side in combing the hair) (8/185 Hadith No. 5240).

(5) Musnad At-Tayalisi (p 200 Hadith No. 1410).

(6) Musnad Is’haq ibn Rahawayh (3/821 Hadith No. 1463).

(8) Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah (1/91, 122 Hadith No. 179, 244).

(9) Al Ihsan (2/209, 210 Hadith No. 1088).

(10) Morality of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his etiquette (p 220).

(11) Sunan At-Tirmidhi - Book of Prayer - chapter on (beginning with the right is preferred in purification) (2/506 Hadith No. 608).

(12) Sunan Ibn Majah - Book of Purity and its Method- chapter on (beginning with the right in ablution) (1/141Hadith No. 401).

(13)Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 245).

(14) Al Musnad, (6/210).

(15) Morality of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his etiquette, (p 219, 220).

(16) Sunan An-Nasa’i –Book of Decoration- chapter on (beginning with the right side in combing the hair) (8/133 Hadith No. 5059).

(17) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 469).

(18) Tahdhib At-Tahdhib, (9/63).

(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge, (p 122).

(19) Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Foods - chapter on (mentioning the name of Allah on the food and eating with the right hand) (9/521, Hadith No. 5376).

(20) Sahih Muslim –Book of Drinks - chapter on (etiquette of food and drink and their rulings) (3/1599, Hadith No. 2022).

(21) Sunan Ibn Majah - Book of Foods - chapter on (eating with the right hand) (2/1087 Hadith No. 3267).

(22) Al Jame`a (10/451, Hadith No. 19544).

(23) Musnad Al Humaydi (1/259, Hadith No. 570).

(24) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, (8/104, Hadith No. 4493).

(25) Al Musnad (4/26).

(26) `Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah, (p 260, Hadith No. 278).

(27) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir, (9/12, 14 Hadith No. 8299, 8304).

(28) Sunan Abu Dawud - Book of Foods – chapter on (eating with right hand) (4/144, 145 Hadith No. 3777).

(29) Al Musnad, (4/27).

(30) Al Ihsan, (7/323, Hadith No. 5192).

(31) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir, (9/12-13, Hadith No. 8300).

(32) `Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah, (pp. 157-158, Hadith No. 323).

(33) Al Musnad, (4/26).

(34) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir, (9/13, Hadith No. 8301).

(35) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p 88).

(36) Sunan At-Tirmidhi - Book of Foods – chapter on (what was narrated about mentioning the Name of Allah on the food) (4/253, 254 Hadith No. 1857).

(37) Al Musnad, (4/26).

(38) `Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah, (p. 259, 260 Hadith No. 274-275).

(39) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir, (9/12, 13 Hadith No. 8297- 8299- 8302).

(40) `Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah, (p. 219 Hadith No. 462).

(41) See Musnad At-Tayalisi, (193 Hadith No. 1358) and Musnad Ahmad (4/26) and `Amal Al Yom Wal-Laylah’ by An-Nasa’i (p. 260 Hadith No. 276- 277) and Al Ihsan, (7/322 Hadith No. 5188) and Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir by At-Tabrani, (9/12 Hadith No. 8298).

(42) Al Ihsan (7/322, Hadith No. 5189).

(43) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 498).

(44) At-Tarikh Al Kabir, (5/346).

(45) Al Jarh Wat-T`adil, (5/281).

(46) Ath-Thiqat, (7/88).

(47) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 608).

(48) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir, (9/14 Hadith No. 8306).

(49) Taqrib At-Tahdhib (p. 110).

(50) Ibid. (p. 561).


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