3 - Hadith “One who is on the right has preference, then again the one who is on the right.” (*) “Those who are on the right have preference, then again the ones who are on the right.” (*)

This Hadith was reported by Al Bukhari (1), Muslim (2), Abu Dawud (3), At-Tirmidhi (4), Ibn Majah (5), M`amar Ibn Rashid (6), Malik (7), At-Tayalisi (8), Al Humaydi (9), Ibn S`ad (10) Ahmad (11) and Ad-Darmi (12). All of them narrated it through the chains of Az-Zuhari, on the authority of Anas Ibn Malik who said: “I milked a domestic (13) sheep for the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which was in the house of Anas Ibn Malik. Its milk was mixed (14) with water from the well in the house of Anas. He gave the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the cup and he drank from it and then lowered it from his mouth. Abu Bakr was on his left and a Bedouin on his right. `Umar said, being afraid that he would give it to the Bedouin, ‘Give it to Abu Bakr who is with you, O Messenger of Allah! He gave it to the Bedouin who was on his right and said: ‘The right, then the right.” This story was narrated by Al Bukhari. Others also have narrated the similar narration while the story was briefed by some others. Yet the point of reasoning remained the same in the narration of all narrators.

At-Tirmidhi said: “This is a good and authentic narration.”

Furthermore, this Hadith has been narrated through other chains from Anas with other words, as was recorded by Al Bukhari (15), Muslim (16) and Ahmad (17). All of them narrated it through the chains of Abu Tawalah `Abdullah ibn `Abdur-Rahman on the authority of Anas that includes the following passage “So, listen and begin with the right side.” Anas added: it was the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him) and repeated it three times and the narration of Muslim includes these words “Those who are on the right side, those who are on the right side, those who are on the right side.” coupled with the story of Anas, while Ahmad narrated the passage “Those who are on the right side.” only once.

4 - Hadith: “None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand).” Nafi`a narrated it with following addition: “Do not take up anything with that (left hand) and do not give anything with that.” (*)

This narration was reported by Muslim (18), At-Tirmidhi (19), M`amar ibn Rashid (20), Ahmad (21) and Al Bukhari in his Al Adab Al Mufrad(22). The word of narration belongs to him also this was narrated by An-Nasa’i in As-Sunan Al Kubra,(23) - and by Abu Y`ala (24), Ibn Hibban (25) and Al Bayhaqi (26). All of them narrated it through the chains of Salim ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar, on the authority of his father.

As far the comment of Muslim who said:  “Nafi`a added in this narration.....”, the addition existed in the narration of Muslim and others that has been narrated through the chain of `Umar ibn Muhammad, from Qasim ibn `Obaydullah ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar, on the authority of Salim.

Moreover, Murrah narrated it from `Umar ibn Muhammad, from Salim directly followed with the addition of Nafi`a as was mentioned by Ahmad (27) and Ibn Hibban. It is clear from abovementioned evidences that this is his own addition, but the narrator from him is Shuja`a ibn Al Walid As-Sukuni, an authentic and pious narrator, however, he had some illusions. (28) And Allah knows best.

After all, it is noteworthy that `Obaydullah ibn `Umar narrated from Nafi`a, but he did not mention the addition, as was narrated by Ahmad (29) from Muhammad ibn `Obayd At-Tunafusi, on the authority of Nafi`a.

It is notable that `Obaydullah ibn `Umar and Muhammad ibn `Obayd At-Tunafusi are authentic narrators. Perhaps, Nafi`a narrated it once with the addition and once without it. And Allah knows best.

Moreover, this Hadith has several other chains from Ibn `Umar as was narrated by Muslim (30), Abu Dawud (31), At-Tirmidhi (32), Malik (33), Al Humaydi (34) and Ibn Abi Shaybah (35), Is’haq ibn Rahawayh (36), Ahmad ( 37), Ad-Darmi(38), Abu Y`ala (39), Al Bayhaqi (40) and Al Baghawi. (41) All of them narrated it through different chains from Az-Zuhari, from Abu Bakr ibn `Obaydullah ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar, on the authority of his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When any one of you intends to eat (meal), he should eat with his right hand. and when he (intends) to drink he should drink with his right hand, for the Satan eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand.”

At-Tirmidhi said: “This is a good and authentic narration, and like this was narrated by Malik and Ibn `Uyaynah, from Az-Zuhari, from Abu Bakr ibn `Obaydullah, on the authority of Ibn `Umar. As well as, M`amar and `Aqil narrated it from Az-Zuhari, from Salim, on the authority of Ibn `Umar. However, the narration of Malik and `Uyaynah is more authentic, after that, he mentioned the narration of M`amar, which is amongst the chains of Salim that was detailed in the above lines. But I did not like to elaborate due to the fear of lengthening, especially when the phrase of At-Tirmidhi does not mean to weaken this narration.

Sufyan ibn `Uyaynah said: "I heard M`amar narrating it from Az-Zuhari, from Salim, from his father, then I said to him: “O Abu `Urwah, actually, it is from Abu Bakr, M`amar answered me and said: “I have verified it.” Or perhaps, Sufyan said: “This is from those narrations that were verified by us.” 42  End of quote.

Ibn Hibban said: “M`amar was asked why you have differed from other narrators? He said: ‘Az-Zuhari heard it from a group of narrators. That is why sometimes he narrates from this and sometimes from that.” (43). End of quote.

Ad-Daraqutni favored the narration of Salim from his father, contrary to the opinion of At-Tirmidhi, because, Ad-Daraqutni regards that Abu Bakr ibn `Obaydullah is Al Qasim ibn `Obaydullah (44), so Al Qasim never heard from his grandfather Ibn `Umar. That is why he preferred the narration of Salim to the narration of Al Qasim. But they are paternal half-brothers, also Abu Bakr heard from his grandfather Ibn `Umar and died long time ago. (45) While Al qasim died around 230 A.H. (46)

5 – The Hadith about a man who ate with the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him) using his left hand, and the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: “I cannot.” He said: “Then you cannot.” Only pride had stopped him.” The narrator says: “He could not raise it to his mouth.” (*)

This narration was reported by Muslim, (47) Ahmad (48), `Abdullah ibn Humayd (49), Ad-Darmi (50), Ibn Hibban (51), At-Tabarani (52), Abu Nu`yam (53), and Al Bayhaqi. (54) All of them narrated it through the chains of `Ikrimah ibn `Ammar, from Iyas ibn Salamah ibn Al Akw`a, on the authority of his father similar to the aforementioned narration.

The name of the man was not mentioned by Muslim, however his name was mentioned by others as Busr ibn Ra`I Al `Ayr, but  Al Bayhaqi mentions as Bishr as he commented saying : “The correct name is Bishr and the same was mentioned by  Ibn Manda and other scholars of Hadith.” While `Abd ibn Humayd mentions him as Bashir.

In addition, Ibn Hajar said: “Busr ibn Ra`I Al `Ayr Al Ashja`i ..., but it is also said that he is Bishr as was mentioned by Ibn Manda who was criticized by Abu Nu`aym claiming that it was a misspelling. However, Ad-Daraqutni and Ibn Makula did not mention any dispute.  Al Bayhaqi asserts that the name ‘Bishr’ is more reliable, but Ibn Fat’hun regarded it as a strange name and mentioned it among those narrators whose name was Bashir.”(55). End of quote.

Perhaps, the correction of Fat’hun was because of what has been mentioned by `Abd ibn Humayd, if the name in Al Muntakhab was not a misprinting. And Allah knows best.



(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge, (p. 122). The author regarded it two separate Hadiths, while they are two versions of the same Hadith of Anas that has been narrated with different words. 

(1) Sahih Al Bukhari –Book of Distribution of Water – chapter on (who regarded donation of water, its charity and its will as permissible) 5/30 Hadith No. 2352. The Hadith no (2571) is as follows: “Those who are on the right side, those who are on the right side, so begin with the right side.” and - Book of Drinks- chapter on (drinking milk with water) (10/75 Hadith No. 5612), and chapter on (The right, then the right in drinking water) (10/86 Hadith No. 5619).

(2) Sahih Muslim - Book of Drinks- chapter on (preference of giving water or milk to one who is at the right side of the distributer) (3/1603 Hadith No. 2029/125).

(3) Sunan Abu Dawud – Book of Drinks – chapter on (when should the distributer of water drink?) (4/113, 114 Hadith No. 3726).

(4) Sunan At-Tirmidhi – Book of Drinks – chapter on (what was narrated about the one who is on right side is more deserving of the drink) (4/271 Hadith No. 1893).

(5) Sunan Ibn Majah - Book of Drinks – chapter on (if one has drunk he should give to the one who is on right side, and then the one who is on right side) (2/1133 Hadith No. 3425).

(6) Al Jami`a (10/425 Hadith No. 19582).

(7) Al Muwatta (2/926 Hadith No.17).

(8) Musnad At-Tayalisi (p. 70 Hadith No. 2094).

(9) Musnad Al Humaydi (2/499 Hadith No. 1182).

(10) Tabaqat Ibn S`ad, (7/20).

(11) Al Musnad(3/110، 113، 197، 231).

(12) Sunan Ad-Darmi (2/118).

(13) The Arabic word Dajin here means the domestic sheep that is fed by the owners in their homes. An-Nihayah, (2/102).

(14) The Arabic word showb means to mix. An-Nihayah, (2/507).

(15) Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Gift – chapter on (who asked water) 5/201 Hadith No. 2571).

(16) Sahih Muslim (3/1604 Hadith No. 2029/126).

(17) Al Musnad (3/239).

(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge, (p. 122).

(18) Sahih Muslim –Book of Drinks – chapter on (etiquette of food and drink and their rulings) (3/1599 Hadith No. 2020/106).

(19) Sunan At-Tirmidhi - Book of Foods – chapter on (what was narrated about prohibition from eating and drinking with the left) (4/227 Hadith No. 1800).

(20) Al Jami`a (10/414 Hadith No. 19541).

(21) Al Musnad (2/128, 134, 146).

(22) Al Adab Al Mufrad (2/598 Hadith No. 1189).

(23) As-Sunan Al Kubra – the Feast - as was mentioned in Tuhfatul Ashraf,(5/363 Hadith No. 1792).

(24) Musnad Abu Y`ala (9/418, 419 Hadith No. 5568).

(25) Al Ihsan (7/329 Hadith No. 5206).

(26) As-Sunan Al Kubra (7/277).

(27) Al Musnad (2/128).

(28) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 264).

(29) Al Musnad, (2/80).

(30) Sahih Muslim, (3/1598).

(31) Sunan Abu Dawud - Book of Foods –chapter on (eating with the right hand) (4/144 Hadith No. 3776).

(32) Sunan At-Tirmidhi (4/226, Hadith No. 1799).

(33) Al Muwatta (2/922, 923 Hadith No. 6).

(34) Musnad Al Humaydi (2/283 Hadith No.635).

(35) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, (8/103, 104 Hadith No. 4490).

(36) Musnad Is’haq ibn Rahawayh, (1/420 Hadith No. 477) - but the name of Abu Bakr was missing in the published copy.

(37) Al Musnad (2/8, 33, 106).

(38) Sunan Ad-Darimi (2/97).

(39) Musnad Abu Y`ala (9/433, Hadith No. 5584) and (10/68 Hadith No. 5704, 5705).

(40) As-Sunan Al Kubra, (2/277).

(41) Sharh As-Sunnah,(11/284 Hadith No. 2836).

(42) Musnad Al Humaydi, (2/284).

(43) Al Ihsan, (7/328) and Al Bayhaqi has mentioned a similar Hadith in Al Kubra (7/277) and said: “This is possible; as was narrated by `Umar ibn Muhammad from Al Qasim ibn `Obaydullah ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar, from Salim, on the authority of his father.” End of quote.

(44) Al `Ilal of Ad-Darqutni, (manuscript, plate No. 3/83 A), but in another place, he doubted in the name of the narrator and said: “It was said that Abu Bakr ibn `Obaydullah’s name was Al Qasim.” Al `Ilal- printed copy, (2/47).

(45) See: Tabaqat Ibn S`ad – the complementary section (pp. 219, 220), and Tabaqat of Khalifa ibn Al Khayyat (p. 262), see the name of his relatives who narrated it from him, under (49, 50), also the names of his brothers and sisters, under number (561 562), and the names of his brothers, under (165, 166).

(46) Taqrib At-Tahdhib, (p. 451), the author mentioned this date in the biography of Abu Bakr ibn `Obaydullah ibn `Umar, perhaps, it is a mistake by him. See: commentary of Dr. Akram Al `Umari on Tabaqat of Khalifa.

(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge, (p. 122).

(47) Sahih Muslim (3/1599 Hadith No. 2021).

(48) Al Musnad, (4/45, 46, 50).

(49) A selection of Musnad `Abd ibn Humayd (1/352 Hadith No.388).

(50) Sunan Ad-Darimi (2/97).

(51) Al Ihsan (8/152 Hadith No. 6478, 6479).

(52) Al Mo`ajam Al Kabir (7/15 Hadith No. 6235, 6236).

(53) M`arifat As-Sahabah, (3/132 Hadith No. 1206).

(54) Dala’ayl An-Nubuwwah, (6/238) and As-Sunan Al Kubra - (7/277).

(55) Al Isabah, (1/153).

(*)The Signs of Prophethood in the Light of Modern Knowledge, (p. 122) where the author said: “This was reported by Ibn Majah on the authority of Abu Hurayrah and the chain of this narration is authentic.” But his conclusion about the authenticity of this chain is not accurate.


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