Episode (33)

The example of the person who helps his people to other than the truth

`Abdul-Rahman narrated on the authority of `Abdullah that he said: I came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) while he was in a red dome. `Abdul-Malik said: Dome of leather and there were along with him forty men. He said: "Verily, you are those who will be helped, shall be victorious, and shall gain much wealth. So, those of you who are among them must fear Allah, enjoin good and forbid evil, and maintain good relation with his kin. He who ascribes lies to me must take his place in the fire. The example of the one who helps his people to other than the truth is like an animal which had fallen into a well and cannot exit there from, dragging its tail"  (1)

Explanation of vocabulary (2)

(You shall be helped) i.e., to open countries for Islam in the coming years.

(shall be victorious) i.e., over your enemies.

(shall gain much wealth) i.e., from the booties.

(maintain good relation with his kin) to have good relation with relatives, be kind to them, and draw near them with all kind words and actions.

(must take his place in the fire) i.e., his final destination shall be Hell and the Fire shall be his abode.

(dragging its tail) i.e., trying to escape death.

Explanation of the Hadith:

Al Munawy said: As for the Prophet's saying: "The example of the one who helps his people to other than the truth is like an animal which had fallen into a well and cannot exit there from." Some people said: The meaning is: The person who does so had fallen into sin and shall be ruined exactly as an animal falls in a well, trying to drag its tail but it cannot do that. (3)

As for the Prophet's saying: (must take his place in the fire), the apparent form is a command to take his seat, but the meaning is: It was not a command but it was a piece of news the Prophet wanted to deliver to us about such a person, or he meant to threat those who do so, or he was invoking Allah against those who do so; so the meaning is: May Allah make Hell his final destination. So, nobody should reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) except if he heard the Hadith from a trustworthy person whom he trusts his religion and integrity because the narration shall become part of the religion.

Lessons gained from the Hadith:

1- Exhortation to enjoining good and forbidding evil and maintaining good relation with one's kinship.

2- The Hadith contains a severe threat for those who deliberately attribute lies against the Prophet (peace be upon him). Such a person shall have his seat in Hell. A Muslim should be careful not to report weak and fabricated Hadiths. Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "He who relates from me something which he deems false is one of the liars." (4)

3- It is obligatory on every Muslim to help his family, clan, and companions to things which please Allah and command them of His Obedience which is the ultimate goal of a person; and not to help them on sin and aggression as Allah (may He be Exalted) says: "Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwâ (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression." [Surat of Al-Ma'idah: 2].

 (1) Musnad (Hadith compilation of) Imam Ahmad, 6/350, No. (3801) and Al Bayhaqy in As-Sunan, 10/ 234, with difference in words. Al Albany graded it as authentic, See: As-Silsilah As-Sahihah, 3/ 371, No. (1383).

(2) See: Tuhfat Al Ahwazy, the explanation of Jami` At-Tirmidhy, 6/ 441.

(3) Faydul-Qadir of Al Munawy, 5/ 511, reported by Muslim (1/7).

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