Episode 54: The Muslim Community and its Leadership
Hits: 5207
1 - The term al-Jamaa’ah, in this context, refers to the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Resurrection; those who cling to their way and to their narrations. It is they who are the Saved-Sect. All those who cling to their methodology (manhaj) are from the Jamaa’ah, even if they err in some specific issues.
2 - It is not permissible to cause splits in the Religion, nor to cause trials and discord (fitnah) between the Muslims. Whatever the Muslims differ in, then it is obligatory to refer it back to the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and what the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors) were [agreed] upon.
3 - Whosoever leaves the Jamaa’ah, then it is obligatory to give him sincere counsel and advice (naseehah), to call him [to what is correct], to discuss with him in a good manner and to establish the proofs to him. If he repents, then fine, otherwise he is to be punished in accordance with what the Sacred Law requires.
4 - It is obligatory to cultivate the Muslims upon the clear and decisive meanings of the Book, the Sunnah, and the scholarly consensus. It is not permissible to test (imtihaan) the general body of Muslims regarding issues that are abstruse and subtle, or regarding meanings that are deep and profound.
5 - The basic rule (asl) concerning all Muslims is that they are deemed to possess good intent and sound belief, until and unless the opposite of this becomes manifest. The basic rule is to construe their words upon their best possible meaning. Whosoever manifests resistance to the truth or displays evil intent, then it is not permitted to go to great lengths in finding a suitable explanation to it.
6 - Those Muslim sects that have departed from the fold of the Sunnah are all under the threat (wa'eed) of destruction and [punishment in] the Hellfire. The ruling concerning them is like the ruling concerning the people who are under the threat of Allaah's punishment (ahlul-wa'eed), except for those amongst them who are inwardly unbelievers. As regards the pseudo-Muslim sects that are outside the fold of Islaam, then in general, they are to be considered unbelievers. The ruling concerning them is like that of the apostates (murtadoon).
7- The Friday Prayer and the Congregational Prayers are from the greatest manifest symbols (sha'aa'ir) of Islaam. Prayer behind one whose true nature is hidden is valid and correct. To not pray behind him claiming that his true state is unknown, is an innovation (bid'ah).
8 - It is not permissible to pray behind someone who manifests innovation or wickedness and impiety (fujoor) when it is possible to pray behind other than them. If it does take place, then the Prayer will be deemed valid and correct, but the performer of such a Prayer will have sinned - unless he intended by that to repel a greater evil. If one cannot find anyone to pray behind, except someone of the likes of him, or greater in evil than him, then to pray behind such a person is permitted, and it is not permissible to abandon praying behind him. Whoever is judged to have committed unbelief (kufr), then Prayer behind him is not permissible.
9 - The leadership of the whole nation (imaamatul-kubraa) is decided by either scholarly consensus or by the pledge of fealty and allegiance (bay’ah) given by those Muslims who have the political power to enact or dissolve a pledge to the ruler (ahlul-halli wal-aqd). Whoever takes power by force, such that he gathers the Muslims under him, then it is obligatory to obey him in that which constitutes obedience to Allaah, and to give him sincere advice and counsel. It is not permissible to revolt against the Muslim ruler except in cases where he manifests clear unbelief (kufr buwaah), for which there is a decisive proof from Allaah concerning it.
10 - Performance of Prayer, Pilgrimage and Jihaad are all obligatory under the Muslim leaders, even if they are tyrannical.
11 - It is forbidden for the Muslims to fight between themselves out of worldly motives or out of partisanship. Such actions are from amongst the greatest of the major sins. It is permitted to fight the innovators and the rebels (ahlul-baghee) - and the likes of them - if it is not possible to prevent them with measures lesser than this. This is to be determined according to the resultant benefits and the situation at hand.
12 - The noble Companions are all trustworthy ('udool) and they are the best of this Ummah. Testifying to their faith and excellence is an absolute fundamental that is known from the Religion by necessity (al-ma'loom minad-deen bid-daroorah). To love them is part of Religion and faith. To hate them is unbelief and hypocrisy. It is necessary to withhold from entering into the differences that befell them and to abandon discussing this matter so as not to belittle their rank and station. The most excellent of the Companions was Abu Bakr, then 'Umar, then 'Uthmaan, then 'Alee. They are the Rightly-Guided Successors. The right concerning their succession (khilaafah) was in the exact order that it occurred historically.
13 - The Religion includes loving the Family (ahlul-bayt) of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; having allegiance for them; honoring their status; and recognizing the excellence of his Wives, who Allaah has declared to be the Mothers of the Believers (ummuhaatul-mu'mineen). [The Religion] includes loving the Pious Predecessors, the scholars of the Sunnah, and all those who follow them in goodness. It also includes keeping away from the innovators.
14 - Jihaad in the Path of Allaah is the top most part of Islaam; and it will continue on until the Day of Resurrection.
15 - Ordering the good and forbidding the evil is from the greatest symbols of Islaam and amongst the causes, which preserve and protect the Muslim community. This duty is an obligation according to one's ability, taking into consideration the resultant benefits (maslahah) in doing so.