Episode (44): Amongst the Lessons Drawn from the Story of Al-Ifk (i.e. False Allegation Against ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her) (1)
Hits: 1591
1- This Hadeeth refers to the permissibility of drawing lots amongst one's wives to travel with one of them.
2- The permissibility of traveling along with women in battles and in such circumstances and conditions.
3- The permissibility of narrating the blessings and virtues occurred to one, even if this implies praising some people and dispraising some others, when this implies removing defects from the narrator if he is innocent when intending to advise the one who is informing so that he may not experience the same bad situation.
4- Paying much attention to saving one from committing sins is given precedence over letting him commit sins and getting the reward of the one is harmed.
5- This Hadeeth refers to using preparation for the needed speech.
6- Howdah is as the house regarding covering woman.
7- It is permissible for woman to rid Howdah on the camel, even if this is a little bit difficult but it can be endured any way.
8- It is permissible for the foreign men to serve woman but from behind screen. Also, it is permissible for woman to cover herself with something separated from the body and she can go to answer the call of nature alone and without a special permission from her husband, depending on the general permission that is based on the known traditions.
9- It is permissible for woman to adorn herself with a necklace and the like while traveling.
10- Protecting wealth even if it is little for wasting wealth is something prohibited in Islam. The necklace of ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, was not from gold nor jewels (and in spite of that, she went to search for it).
11- This Hadeeth implies the bad end of loving wealth. That is because if she had not spent that long time in searching for the necklace, she would have returned quickly. When time went beyond what is necessary, that event occurred. Similar to that is the story of the arguing of the two person, where the knowledge of Laylat al-Qadr was taken away due to them. They did not stop at what is necessary, rather, they went on more disputing until their voices became very load and thus the knowledge of it was taken away.
12- Soldiers cannot move anywhere except by the permission of the leader.
13- Using some of the army to be rear lines so that it may carry the weak, pick up the lost matters and the like of other interests.
14- Saying "Inna lil-lah-wa inn a ilaihi rajiun (We are for Allaah, and we will return to Him) when there is any affliction.
15- Woman should cover her face before non-Mahram men.
16- Helping the destitute, saving the lost, honoring those who have great positions and preferring them to rid and experiencing difficulty for that.
17- Observing kindness with foreign people specially women when they are alone and walking before woman so that she can feel safe and assured of what one's eyes may see if something is uncovered from her while walking.
18- Adopting kind and lovely treatment with one's wife and not doing that whenever she does something not good. The wisdom behind is that she can observe the change of conditions and thus apologize or acknowledge her mistake.
19- The people of the sick person should not tell him about what may harm his heart lest his illness may not be increased.
20- It is permissible to ask about the sick person.
21- This Hadeeth refers to the degrees of forsaking with words and affection. So, if the there is an affirmed reason for that, then one should leave it completely. If it is doubtful, then forsaking should be light somehow. This does not mean acting upon all what is said but lest people may believe that one is indifferent about what was said about him for this undermines one's chivalry.
22- If woman goes out for a need she may accompany with her who can entertain and serve her amongst those who are trustworthy.
23- Muslim should defend his fellow Muslim and protect him from those who wants to harm him, especially, if he is one of the righteous people.