Episode 2: The story of the creation of Adam


According to Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Allah created Adam, making him sixty cubits-tall. Then said: "Go and greet that group of angels, and listen to their reply, for it will be your greeting (salutation) and that of your offspring." So, he (Adam) said (to the angels): Peace be upon you. They (the angels) said: "May the peace and the Mercy of Allah be upon you). Thus the angels added to Adam's salutation the expression: 'and the mercy of Allah'. So, any person who will enter Paradise will be in the image of Adam. People have been decreasing in stature until now (1).


Vocabulary explanation:


(Adam): He is the father of mankind, peace be upon him. And (Al Adamah): is the tan, and (Al Aadam) among people: is the brown. Among camels: the very white; and it has been said: the white with black eyes. It is said: an (Aadam) camel and an (Admaa') she camel (2).


(Dhiraa’an, cubit): the forearm; and it can be masculine or feminine. It is between the tip of the elbow to the tip the middle finger (3).


(Sittouna dhiraa’an, sixty cubits): Ibn At-Teen said: It implies our forearm, because the forearm of each one is like his fourth (in height). If it were by means of his (Adam’s) arm, his hand would have been short compared to his body length.


(Yuhayyounaka, they greet you): present indicative verb deriving from ‘Tahiyyah, greeting), which is: peace. The Almighty said: ((When a (courteous) greeting is offered to you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things.)), [An-Nisa’: 86].

Ibn Katheer says: "ie: If a Muslim greets you, reciprocate to him with a greeting more courteous than his greeting, or reciprocate to him with a greeting of equal courtesy (4).


(Dhurriyyataka, your offspring): from “Dhara^a” meaning: He created, and from it comes the offspring, which is the descendants of both worlds, and (Dhurriyyatu, the offspring) of the man: his children, and the plural: Adh-Dharaary, and Adh-Dhurriyyaat (5).


(Assalaam, peace): The noun derives from At-Tasleem, and peace is one of the names of Almighty Allah (6).


(Al-Khalq, the creation): ie: the creature, and implies the children of Adam.


(Yanqusu, Decreases): from Naqasa Ash-Shey^u (the thing decreased), the chapter of Nasara (to lend support), transitive and intransitive (7).


Interpretation of the Statement (8):


There is, in the Statement, a reference to the creation of Adam, and that Allah the Almighty created him with his holy hands, and his height is sixty cubits, and did not shift through phases in creation as is the case of his children, but rather Allah created him in the form he was.


Ibn Hajar said: The meaning implies that Allah brought him into being in the form in which he created him. He did not go through phases in creation, nor did he fluctuate in the wombs in stages as his progeny did, but rather Allah created him a complete man in all respect from whence He first breathed the spirit in him.


(So, any person who will enter Paradise will be in the image of Adam.) ie: according to his qualities, and this indicates that the inferiority characters of blackness and others cease to exist when entering Paradise. It came to Ahmad by way of Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyib according to Abu Hurayrah as Marfu’ "Adam’s height was sixty cubits with seven cubits in width" (9).

(People have been decreasing in stature until now), ie: that each generation of people grew shorter in height than the generation before it. The decrease in height ended up with this nation and the matter settled on that.


Ibn At-Teen affirmed his statement: "People have been decreasing in stature", ie: as the person grows little by little, and that does not show in the scope of two hours or two days, until the days abound, it then shows. Such is the governance in the decrease. This applies to what now exists from the vestiges of previous people, such as the dwellings of the Thamoud; their homes indicate that their stature was not excessively tall, depending on the requirements of the previous arrangement. Undoubtedly, their epoch is ancient, and the era between them and Adam is less than that between them and the beginning of this nation.


(Ibn Hajar) said: It is not evident to me, up till now, what would remove this ambiguity.


Among the benefits of the Statement:


1 – The absoluteness of the power of Almighty Allah and His deep wisdom, for He, the Exalted, creates what He wills and chooses.


2 – The establishment of peace, and that it is the greeting of the people of Islam, from Adam, peace be upon him, to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and his nation.


3 - In the Statement, there is proof of incorrectness of western theories, which talk about the origin of man, doubtfully guessing at the unknown. The legitimate texts have revealed that and made it as clear as can be, as in this and other Statements.




(1) Sahih Bukhari, under the №: (3326), and Sahih Muslim, H: (2841).

(2) Mukhtaar As-Sihaah by Ar-Raazi, p. 10.

(3) Mukhtaar As-Sihaah, p. 221, and Lisaan Al-‘Arab 5/447. The letter “'Ayn”, chapter (of the letter) “Dhaal”.

(4) Commentary of Ibn Katheer, 2/324.

(5) Mukhtaar As-Sihaah by Ar-Raazi, pp: 220-221, abridged.

(6) Ibid, p. 311.

(7) Mukhtaar As-Sihaah by Ar-Raazi, p. 676, abridged.

(8) See: Fath Al-Baari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari by Al-‘Asqalaany, 6/367.

(9) Ruwa Ahmad 2/535, and authenticated by Al-Albaani, Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh №. 5736

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