It was narrated that ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Hasanah reported: "I and ‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas went to the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. He came out with a leather shield (in his hand). He covered himself with it and urinated. Then we said: "Look at him. He is urinating as a woman does." The Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, heard this and said: "Do you not know what befell a person from amongst Banu Israa'eel (i.e. the children of Israel)? When urine fell on them, they would cut off the place where the urine fell; but he (that person) forbade them (to do so), and was punished in his grave." (1).

Explanations of the Hadeeth:

The Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, warned against condemning guarding against urination so that one may not get the same punishment that the man of Banu Israa'eel got because he prohibited something obligatory. Also, he, peace and blessing be upon him, likened the prohibition of this man against good act of Muslims to the prohibition of the man of Banu Israa'eel against something good of their religion. He, peace and blessing be upon him, did so to rebuke him and that the one who does so will be one of the dwellers of the Hellfire. So when this man criticized bashfulness, he rebuked him for he criticized something good known by all people from the early and later generations. (2).  

Amongst the lessons drawn from the above-mentioned Hadeeth:

1- It is obligatory for everyone to avoid urine and be careful about it. There is a severe punishment for the one who takes that matter lightly.

2- It is not obligatory for the one who wants to urinate to keep very far if he is certain that his Awrah (i.e. parts of the body that must not be revealed. They vary depending on the relationship between the concerned individuals) will not be revealed unlike excrement for the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, used to keep very far and conceal himself during it.

3- It is obligatory to conceal ‘Awrah so that no one can see it.

4- It is permissible to rebuke the one who forbids something good and enjoins something bad.

5- Warning against doing what the people of misguidance do and making people avert their actions.





(1)         Reported in Sunan Abu Daawood (12) and Al-Albaani deemed it Saheeh (authentic) Hadeeth. Refer to Saheeh Abu Daawood 1/7 No. 16.

(2)         Refer to ‘Awn Al-Ma‘bood by Al-Azeem Abaadi.


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