Episode 86: Khuroe, King of Persia.
Hits: 2470
Episode 85 : Who were the Ariseen?
Hits: 1611
Episoed 84: Hearaclius And Abu Sufyan 3/3
Hits: 1440
Episoed 83: Hearaclius And Abu Sufyan 2/3
Hits: 2033
Episoed 82: Hearaclius And Abu Sufyan 2/3
Hits: 1793
Episode 81: Reaction Of The Monarch.
Hits: 2404
Episode 80 : Negus.
Hits: 1477
Episode 79: Muqauqis.
Hits: 2200
Episode 78: Chosroes II
Hits: 1703
Episode 77: Heraclius
Hits: 1527